A brief libraray of some useful definitions, diagrams, and constructions

Allyson Hallman


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Explorations with Sine and Cosine 



Varying Coefficients of Quadratic Equations 



Locus of Vertices of Parabolas 



Explorations of Triangle Circumcenters 



Fun with Medians of Triangles 



Tangent Circles 



Orthocenters and Circumcenters, oh my! 



Similiarity of Pedal Traingles



Parametric Equations 



Flower Power Polar Equations



Hiding the Biggest Box



CevaÕs Theorem



Bouncing Barney  




Concurrent Lines & Point of Concurrency




Concurrent lines intersect in a single point and that point of intersection is the point of concurrency






Point of concurrency of medians of a triangle








Point of concurrency of angle bisectors of a triangle





Point of concurrency of perpendicular bisectors of sides of a triangle





Point of concurrency of the altitudes of a triangle





Circle whose center is the point of concurrency of the perpendicular bisectors of the sides or a triangle and whose radius is the distance from that point to any vertex of the triangle






Circle whose center is the point of concurrency of angle bisectors of a triangle and whose radius is the distance from that point to any side of the triangle.

Triangle Centers




C = Circumcenter

I = Incenter

H = Orthocenter

G = Centroid

Triangle Centers with Euler Line



Line containing circumcenter, orthocenter, and centroid

Medial Triangle



Triangle whose vertices are the midpoints of the sides of another triangle

Orthic Triangle



Triangle whose vertices are the feet of the altitudes of another triangle



*feet?? Click here.

Pedal Triangle


Triangle whose vertices are the feet of the perpendiculars from any point P to each side of the triangle


Orthocenter, Midsegment Triangle



Triangle whose vertices are the midpoints of the segments connecting the orthocenter to each vertex

Nine Point Circle



Circle that passes through the midpoints of each side of a triangle (Ma, Mb, Mc), feet of the altitudes of that triangle (Ha, Hb, Hc), and the midpoints of the segments that connect the vertices of that triangle to its orthocenter (Oa, Ob, Oc)

Equilateral Triangle



Triangle with all three sides congruent

Isosceles Triangle



Triangle with at least two sides congruent





Quadrilateral with four congruent sides and 4 congruent angles

Regular Pentagon

(given radius or side)



Polygon with five congruent sides


Regular Hexagon

(given side)



Polygon with six congruent sides

Regular Octagon

(given side)



Polygon with eight congruent sides

Golden Ratio



Locus of a vertex of a fixed angle that subtends a fixed segment


Trisect a segment



Divide a segment into three congruent parts